Log Out
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Log Out explores our questionable relationship with modern media. Each thought prioritizes brevity, honesty, and nuance while discussing a pressing media-related topic!
If you, like me have felt that our tendencies to consume, create, and share content could be cause for concern Log Out may be worth a read!
• Book 1 of 1
• Print Length - 117 Pages
• Language - English
• Dimensions - 5.5 x 8.5
• Paperback
• Non Fiction
[From the back cover]
We all, to varying degrees, have a unique and intricately fashioned relationship with modern media. Some of us binge our favorite shows, scroll through dozens of videos, and stock our profiles with our favorite bits of content. While others have deleted their social media profiles, refuse to own a TV, and rarely pursue screen-based recreation.
Rather than cast judgment or provide a checklist of practical advice, this book contributes to the ongoing conversation about our content related tendencies. If we believe that what we consume can impact who we become, there has never been a more timely opportunity to discuss the state of modern media.